These endpoints provide authorized access to an authenticated user's virtual account information, managing settlement rules for virtual accounts and retrieving a list of payouts generated by settlement rules for virtual accounts.
The POST /virtual-accounts
endpoint creates a virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a TPP, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "accountNickName": "Account Alias",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "onBehalfOfId": [
- "c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7",
- "6f34h397-b29h-23b0-s30g-hkd0d2dk4k1s"
], - "country": "GB"
{- "virtualAccount": {
- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "accountName": "Account Name",
- "accountNickName": "Account Alias",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "availableBalance": 1572.38,
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "bookedBalance": 1282.79,
- "clearedBalance": 1167.32,
- "country": "GB",
- "createdDateTime": "2023-04-05T10:43:07.000+00:00",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updatedDateTime": "string",
- "onBehalfOfId": "c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7"
The GET /virtual-accounts
endpoint retrieves information for all virtual accounts.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a TPP, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "pageInfo": {
- "limit": 20,
- "offset": "LerV6Jmex",
- "nextOffset": "KgwG8Qkat",
- "haveMore": false
}, - "virtualAccount": [
- {
- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "accountName": "Account Name",
- "accountNickName": "Account Alias",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "availableBalance": 1572.38,
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "bookedBalance": 1282.79,
- "clearedBalance": 1167.32,
- "country": "GB",
- "createdDateTime": "2023-04-05T10:43:07.000+00:00",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updatedDateTime": "string",
- "onBehalfOfId": "c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7"
The GET /virtual-accounts/{accountId}
endpoint the information for a specific virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a account, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "virtualAccount": {
- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "accountName": "Account Name",
- "accountNickName": "Account Alias",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "availableBalance": 1572.38,
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "bookedBalance": 1282.79,
- "clearedBalance": 1167.32,
- "country": "GB",
- "createdDateTime": "2023-04-05T10:43:07.000+00:00",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updatedDateTime": "string",
- "onBehalfOfId": "c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7"
The GET /virtual-accounts/{accountId}/transactions
endpoint retrieves information of transactions in a given virtual account.
limit | integer <int32> The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | string The offset for the current page. The offset is not required to fetch the first page. To fetch subsequent pages, use the 'nextOffset' value from the previous page response. |
refId | string Filters transactions by their |
startDate | string Returns transactions created on or after this date, inclusive (in ISO 8601 format). Example: startDate=2022-04-05 |
endDate | string Returns transactions created on or before this date, inclusive (in ISO 8601 format). Example: endDate=2022-04-05 |
amount | string Filters transactions by their transaction amount. |
providerPaymentId | string Filters transactions by the provider-payment-id. |
transactionType | string (TransactionType) Default: "INVALID_TYPE" Filters transactions by type to include only CREDIT or DEBIT transactions. Example: transactionType=CREDIT |
onBehalfOfId | string Filters payments by the Example: onBehalfOfId=c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7 |
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a account, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "pageInfo": {
- "limit": 20,
- "offset": "LerV6Jmex",
- "nextOffset": "KgwG8Qkat",
- "haveMore": false
}, - "transactions": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "currency": "EUR",
- "value": "10.23"
}, - "providerPaymentId": "83KiRJuXm",
- "createdDateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07.000+00:00",
- "description": "Payment",
- "transactionType": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "localInstrument": "SEPA_INSTANT",
- "debtor": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "ultimateDebtorName": "John Smith",
- "address": {
- "addressLine": [
- "The Coach House"
], - "streetName": "221B",
- "buildingNumber": "2C",
- "postCode": "TR26 1EZ",
- "townName": "Saint Ives",
- "state": "Cornwall",
- "district": "string",
- "country": "GB"
}, - "creditor": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "address": {
- "addressLine": [
- "The Coach House"
], - "streetName": "221B",
- "buildingNumber": "2C",
- "postCode": "TR26 1EZ",
- "townName": "Saint Ives",
- "state": "Cornwall",
- "district": "string",
- "country": "GB"
}, - "bankName": "string"
}, - "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "transferId": "t:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "paymentId": "pm2:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "refundId": "rf:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "payoutId": "po:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV"
The GET /virtual-accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{providerPaymentId}
endpoint retrieves information for a specific transaction in a given virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a account, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "transaction": {
- "amount": {
- "currency": "EUR",
- "value": "10.23"
}, - "providerPaymentId": "83KiRJuXm",
- "createdDateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07.000+00:00",
- "description": "Payment",
- "transactionType": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "localInstrument": "SEPA_INSTANT",
- "debtor": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "ultimateDebtorName": "John Smith",
- "address": {
- "addressLine": [
- "The Coach House"
], - "streetName": "221B",
- "buildingNumber": "2C",
- "postCode": "TR26 1EZ",
- "townName": "Saint Ives",
- "state": "Cornwall",
- "district": "string",
- "country": "GB"
}, - "creditor": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "address": {
- "addressLine": [
- "The Coach House"
], - "streetName": "221B",
- "buildingNumber": "2C",
- "postCode": "TR26 1EZ",
- "townName": "Saint Ives",
- "state": "Cornwall",
- "district": "string",
- "country": "GB"
}, - "bankName": "string"
}, - "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "transferId": "t:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "paymentId": "pm2:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "refundId": "rf:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "payoutId": "po:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV"
The POST /virtual-accounts/{account_id}/settlement-rule
endpoint creates a settlement rule for virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a account, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "payeeAccountDetails": {
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "bankName": "string",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "bic": "HBUKGB7F261",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456
}, - "amountType": "FIXED_VALUE",
- "amountValue": 10,
- "timeInterval": "INTRADAY",
- "effectiveFrom": "2024-01-01T12:34:56Z",
- "effectiveTo": "2024-12-01T12:34:56Z",
- "intradayIntervalHours": 2,
- "intradayIntervalMinutes": 10
{- "settlementRuleId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
The GET /virtual-accounts/{account_id}/settlement-rules/{settlement_rule_id}
endpoint retrieves information of a settlement rule for virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a settlement rule, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "settlementRule": {
- "settlementRuleId": "c65e5548-682b-4c4e-b000-f496e06d1082",
- "payerAccountId": "string",
- "payeeAccountDetails": {
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "bankName": "string",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "bic": "HBUKGB7F261",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456
}, - "amountType": "FIXED_VALUE",
- "amountValue": "string",
- "effectiveFrom": "string",
- "effectiveTo": "string",
- "timeInterval": "INTRADAY",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
The DELETE /virtual-accounts/{account_id}/settlement-rules/{settlement_rule_id}
endpoint delete an active settlement rule for virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a settlement rule, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{ }
The GET /virtual-accounts/{account_id}/settlement-rules
endpoint retrieves information about settlement rules for the virtual account according to the given settlement rule status in the request. If no status is provided, the endpoint retrieves all settlement rules for the virtual account.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
{- "settlementRule": [
- {
- "settlementRuleId": "c65e5548-682b-4c4e-b000-f496e06d1082",
- "payerAccountId": "string",
- "payeeAccountDetails": {
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "bankName": "string",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "bic": "HBUKGB7F261",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "sortCode": 123456
}, - "amountType": "FIXED_VALUE",
- "amountValue": "string",
- "effectiveFrom": "string",
- "effectiveTo": "string",
- "timeInterval": "INTRADAY",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
The GET /virtual-accounts/{account_id}/settlement-rule-payouts
endpoint retrieves information about payouts created by a settlement rule.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "accountId": "pa:8DbPteGnytmMbKXdnWTReeRB6cYWKXZ84JgLTBC7fKL4:5zKcENpV",
- "limit": 10,
- "offset": "LerV6Jmex",
- "settlementRuleId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "startDate": "2024-01-01",
- "endDate": "2024-12-01",
- "ids": [
- "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
], - "invertIds": false,
- "statuses": [
], - "invertStatuses": false,
- "refIds": [
- "ShBdcTeqFabqJJhUF"
{- "pageInfo": {
- "limit": 20,
- "offset": "LerV6Jmex",
- "nextOffset": "KgwG8Qkat",
- "haveMore": false
}, - "payouts": [
- {
- "id": "py:12345abcd:abcd",
- "bankTransactionId": "2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "memberId": "m:123456abcd:abcd",
- "createdDateTime": "2024-04-05T00:00:00.000+00:00",
- "updatedDateTime": "2024-04-05T00:00:00.000+00:00",
- "bankPaymentStatus": "ACPC",
- "statusReasonInformation": "The payment is settled on debtor side.",
- "initiation": {
- "description": "e49j-2145-sp17-k3h0",
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "onBehalfOfId": [
- "c5a863bc-86f2-4418-a26f-25b24c7983c7",
- "6f34h397-b29h-23b0-s30g-hkd0d2dk4k1s"
], - "amount": {
- "value": "10.23",
- "currency": "EUR"
}, - "debtor": {
- "accountId": "a12345"
}, - "creditor": {
- "name": "Customer Inc.",
- "ultimateCreditorName": "Customer Inc.",
- "bankName": "string",
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "sortCode": 123456
}, - "reference": "ShBdcTeqFabqJJhUF",
- "description": "Description of the payout",
- "settlementRuleId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"