These endpoints allow you to initiate a Payments v1 request or an AIS request, and retrieve the status of the request.
The POST /token-requests
endpoint persists the required information used by AIS requests and PIS requests using the API and the Hosted Pages.
object (TokenRequestOptions) Specifies optional request parameters. | |
required | object (TokenRequestPayload) Contains the details for obtaining the requested token. |
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a payment, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "requestOptions": {
- "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "from": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "psuId": "a:TASDo3124fcsmF0vsmdv4mf4mklsdwls3mcixz14fkasdv5",
- "receiptRequested": false,
}, - "requestPayload": {
- "actingAs": {
- "displayName": "The Great Baking Co.",
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "secondaryName": ""
}, - "callbackState": "https://{callback-url}?signature=%7B%22memberId%22%3A%22m%3A3rKtsoKaE1QUti3KCWPrcSQYvJj9% 3A5zKtXEAq%22%2C%22keyId%22%3A%22lgf2Mn0G4kkcXd5m%22%2C%22signature%22%3A%22Md-2D G0X9PpuOxea0iK33cAZ2Ffk6E5I1mAcJS6YywU80Q0yYBOlwvGy37dmovmH_OC7Jl8c-fxQ5gP2RWTaDw%22%7D& state=%257B%2522csrfTokenHash%2522%253A%2522pod1e6xornyoesn2sp%2522%257D& tokenId=ta%3AHWowFawmAwiuPKNdM7xjpiQktPppgK2JatsWPZAyTHcq%3A5zKtXEAq",
- "countries": [
- "DE",
- "IT",
- "RO"
], - "description": "A regular payment",
- "disableFutureDatedPaymentConversion": false,
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "to": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "userRefId": "3jdaWmcewrj3MX0CDS",
- "transferBody": {
- "confirmFunds": false,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "executionDate": "2023-02-28",
- "instructions": {
- "metadata": {
- "chargeBearer": "CRED",
- "providerTransferMetadata": {
- "cma9TransferMetadata": {
- "endToEndIdentification": "string",
- "instructionIdentification": "string",
- "risk": {
- "deliveryAddress": {
- "addressLine": [
- "Flat 2, The Red Lodge, 1 High Street"
], - "addressType": "BUSINESS",
- "buildingNumber": "1",
- "country": "GB",
- "countrySubDivision": [
- "North Yorkshire"
], - "department": "1",
- "postCode": "YO62 5JB",
- "streetName": "High Street",
- "subDepartment": "Flat 2",
- "townName": "York"
}, - "merchantCustomerIdentification": "0000789123",
- "paymentContextCode": "PISP_PAYEE",
- "paymentPurposeCode": "DVPM",
- "beneficiaryAccountType": "BUSINESS",
- "contractPresentIndicator": "true",
- "beneficiaryPrepopulatedIndicator": "true"
}, - "purposeCode": "DVPM",
- "ultimateCreditor": "ACME GmbH",
- "ultimateDebtor": "John Smith"
}, - "source": {
- "accountIdentifier": {
- "bankgiro": {
- "bankgiroNumber": "56781234"
}, - "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "transferDestinations": [
- {
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "type": "BUSINESS",
- "sepa": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D"
}, - "lifetimeAmount": "10000.00",
- "remittanceReference": "MFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBA3",
- "returnRefundAccount": false,
- "setTransferDestinationsUrl": "string"
{- "tokenRequest": {
- "id": "rq:ej5ACWNwi1EcqBeuDPc4Z8C4Bgc:5zKtXEAq",
- "requestOptions": {
- "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "from": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "psuId": "a:TASDo3124fcsmF0vsmdv4mf4mklsdwls3mcixz14fkasdv5",
- "receiptRequested": false,
}, - "requestPayload": {
- "actingAs": {
- "displayName": "The Great Baking Co.",
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "secondaryName": ""
}, - "callbackState": "https://{callback-url}?signature=%7B%22memberId%22%3A%22m%3A3rKtsoKaE1QUti3KCWPrcSQYvJj9% 3A5zKtXEAq%22%2C%22keyId%22%3A%22lgf2Mn0G4kkcXd5m%22%2C%22signature%22%3A%22Md-2D G0X9PpuOxea0iK33cAZ2Ffk6E5I1mAcJS6YywU80Q0yYBOlwvGy37dmovmH_OC7Jl8c-fxQ5gP2RWTaDw%22%7D& state=%257B%2522csrfTokenHash%2522%253A%2522pod1e6xornyoesn2sp%2522%257D& tokenId=ta%3AHWowFawmAwiuPKNdM7xjpiQktPppgK2JatsWPZAyTHcq%3A5zKtXEAq",
- "countries": [
- "DE",
- "IT",
- "RO"
], - "description": "A regular payment",
- "disableFutureDatedPaymentConversion": false,
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "to": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "userRefId": "3jdaWmcewrj3MX0CDS",
- "transferBody": {
- "confirmFunds": false,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "executionDate": "2023-02-28",
- "instructions": {
- "metadata": {
- "chargeBearer": "CRED",
- "providerTransferMetadata": {
- "cma9TransferMetadata": {
- "endToEndIdentification": "string",
- "instructionIdentification": "string",
- "risk": {
- "deliveryAddress": {
- "addressLine": [
- "Flat 2, The Red Lodge, 1 High Street"
], - "addressType": "BUSINESS",
- "buildingNumber": "1",
- "country": "GB",
- "countrySubDivision": [
- "North Yorkshire"
], - "department": "1",
- "postCode": "YO62 5JB",
- "streetName": "High Street",
- "subDepartment": "Flat 2",
- "townName": "York"
}, - "merchantCustomerIdentification": "0000789123",
- "paymentContextCode": "PISP_PAYEE",
- "paymentPurposeCode": "DVPM",
- "beneficiaryAccountType": "BUSINESS",
- "contractPresentIndicator": "true",
- "beneficiaryPrepopulatedIndicator": "true"
}, - "purposeCode": "DVPM",
- "ultimateCreditor": "ACME GmbH",
- "ultimateDebtor": "John Smith"
}, - "source": {
- "accountIdentifier": {
- "bankgiro": {
- "bankgiroNumber": "56781234"
}, - "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "transferDestinations": [
- {
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "type": "BUSINESS",
- "sepa": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D"
}, - "lifetimeAmount": "10000.00",
- "remittanceReference": "MFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBA3",
- "returnRefundAccount": false,
- "setTransferDestinationsUrl": "string"
The GET /token-requests/{requestId}
endpoint retrieves a specific token request by its id.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a token request, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "tokenRequest": {
- "id": "rq:ej5ACWNwi1EcqBeuDPc4Z8C4Bgc:5zKtXEAq",
- "requestOptions": {
- "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "from": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "psuId": "a:TASDo3124fcsmF0vsmdv4mf4mklsdwls3mcixz14fkasdv5",
- "receiptRequested": false,
}, - "requestPayload": {
- "actingAs": {
- "displayName": "The Great Baking Co.",
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "secondaryName": ""
}, - "callbackState": "https://{callback-url}?signature=%7B%22memberId%22%3A%22m%3A3rKtsoKaE1QUti3KCWPrcSQYvJj9% 3A5zKtXEAq%22%2C%22keyId%22%3A%22lgf2Mn0G4kkcXd5m%22%2C%22signature%22%3A%22Md-2D G0X9PpuOxea0iK33cAZ2Ffk6E5I1mAcJS6YywU80Q0yYBOlwvGy37dmovmH_OC7Jl8c-fxQ5gP2RWTaDw%22%7D& state=%257B%2522csrfTokenHash%2522%253A%2522pod1e6xornyoesn2sp%2522%257D& tokenId=ta%3AHWowFawmAwiuPKNdM7xjpiQktPppgK2JatsWPZAyTHcq%3A5zKtXEAq",
- "countries": [
- "DE",
- "IT",
- "RO"
], - "description": "A regular payment",
- "disableFutureDatedPaymentConversion": false,
- "refId": "9htio4a1sp2akdr1aa",
- "to": {
- "alias": {
- "realmId": "m:vHZUAMFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBYbPDN:5zKtXEAq",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "value": ""
}, - "id": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq"
}, - "userRefId": "3jdaWmcewrj3MX0CDS",
- "transferBody": {
- "confirmFunds": false,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "executionDate": "2023-02-28",
- "instructions": {
- "metadata": {
- "chargeBearer": "CRED",
- "providerTransferMetadata": {
- "cma9TransferMetadata": {
- "endToEndIdentification": "string",
- "instructionIdentification": "string",
- "risk": {
- "deliveryAddress": {
- "addressLine": [
- "Flat 2, The Red Lodge, 1 High Street"
], - "addressType": "BUSINESS",
- "buildingNumber": "1",
- "country": "GB",
- "countrySubDivision": [
- "North Yorkshire"
], - "department": "1",
- "postCode": "YO62 5JB",
- "streetName": "High Street",
- "subDepartment": "Flat 2",
- "townName": "York"
}, - "merchantCustomerIdentification": "0000789123",
- "paymentContextCode": "PISP_PAYEE",
- "paymentPurposeCode": "DVPM",
- "beneficiaryAccountType": "BUSINESS",
- "contractPresentIndicator": "true",
- "beneficiaryPrepopulatedIndicator": "true"
}, - "purposeCode": "DVPM",
- "ultimateCreditor": "ACME GmbH",
- "ultimateDebtor": "John Smith"
}, - "source": {
- "accountIdentifier": {
- "bankgiro": {
- "bankgiroNumber": "56781234"
}, - "bankId": "ob-modelo",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D",
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "transferDestinations": [
- {
- "customerData": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Berlin",
- "conscriptionNumber": "2831",
- "country": "DE",
- "district": "Friedrichshain",
- "flats": "21A - 21C",
- "full": "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry",
- "hamlet": "Botzowviertel",
- "houseName": "Grossen Blauen Haus",
- "houseNumber": "123",
- "place": "Arnswalder Platz",
- "postCode": "10243",
- "province": "BC",
- "state": "CA",
- "street": "Hans-Otto-Strasse",
- "subdistrict": "Friedrichshain Nord",
- "suburb": "Altona Meadows Suburb"
}, - "legalNames": "Mr John Arthur Smith"
}, - "type": "BUSINESS",
- "sepa": {
- "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
- "bic": "BOFIIE2D"
}, - "lifetimeAmount": "10000.00",
- "remittanceReference": "MFt6s64vn6aDyMiwBA3",
- "returnRefundAccount": false,
- "setTransferDestinationsUrl": "string"
The GET /token-requests/{tokenRequestId}/result
endpoint checks whether a token request result is available. This endpoint will return a PENDING
status while the result is not available. The status will become PROCESSED
once the result is available. If the request is rejected by the bank, the status will become REJECTED
. The status will become EXPIRED
if the request is not processed or rejected before the token request expiration.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a token request, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "transferId": "t:2UhwCZ3BMaEcAUK8bZdukor7NL4tH6TBuu6aJMp5KKfX:5zKcENpV",
- "tokenId": "tt:8zK1dic95omjWb72gvc3z3ELKbTNfnGd89MbDnM73er4:ZhBVAJSH8DeU1",
- "signature": {
- "keyId": "CqSTHPvWY_dgVh-f",
- "memberId": "m:nP4w3u5y8ddrxDJkjimgSX9e4fZ:5zKtXEAq",
- "signature": "ODRWmM0xMRM7CKmK3bNl4e2Kb2btavTbZssCsrHsu8yopoKxBzouBrD9q5-E63tgdV1DpB7i31vwNDKywA0CAE"
}, - "status": "PROCESSED",
- "statusReasonInformation": "The token request is processing.",
- "bankId": "ob-modelo"
The POST /token-requests/{tokenRequestId}/authorization
endpoint initiates the bank authorization process with a given bank id and token request id.
Successful response
The client specified an invalid argument
The authorization information is missing or invalid
Permission to access this endpoint is denied
The requested entity, such as a payment, was not found
Too many requests
An unexpected or internal server error
The operation was not implemented
Service is unavailable
Gateway has timed out
{- "consentAccepted": false,
- "credentials": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "useCredentialFlow": false,
- "useWebappCredentialsFlow": false
{- "fields": {
- "fields": [
- {
- "description": "User authentication",
- "displayName": "Client ID",
- "flickerCode": "FLICKERCODE",
- "id": "clientId",
- "image": "YWJAeXoyWhAeXohteQ",
- "options": [
- "SMS",
- "Phone call"
], - "type": "PASSWORD"
}, - "oauthState": "71b624cf-af3a-4f78-9420-d6e4248a9efe"